An observation…

I was just thinking the other day of friends in the happy-happy type of long-term relationships, the good ones, the ones that have (and will probably continue) to endure, and it occurred to me — it seems that in most every case I know of, the guy pursued the girl, often when the girl wasn’t that sure of its significance, or wasn’t that into it in the beginning, some even trying to resist. For all of “women’s intuition”, it seemed like it was the guy who knew there could be something great there… And it made me wonder: maybe women are (usually) so focussed on guys’ potential, preferentially seeing their good traits, focussed on what a guy could be, that it blinds them somewhat — can’t see the forest for the trees sort of thing. Maybe guys are more discriminant, more likely to look at current possibility, and not what they could change a girl into. Maybe they see more clearly the potential of the present, not that of our future selves…

Or I could be on crack. Like I said, I can’t guarantee this was the case in every enduring good relationship I’m aware of, but it is in quite a few.

~ by bohemianincognito on 2008 June 17.

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